Hi everyone! Welcome to the DCP Blog, where we'll talk about what we do here, as well as some more informative pieces about life from the perspective of many different people with different disabilities.
You might enjoy our "Hot Takes", where we discuss our opinions on some tougher issues about disability culture and try to inform the general population on some issues that disabled people face that they might not even be aware of at all.
- Bridging Worlds: The Sign Language Translation Revolution (MA)
- DAWN AvatarRobot Cafe: Improving Disability Employment Through Technology (MC)
- UCLA Disability Pride Week 2024 Reflection: An Undergraduate Student Ally Perspective (NS)
- Deaflympics vs. Paralympics: Their Differences and an Interview with a Former Deaflympian (AA)
- New Friendships, Long-Awaited Reunions, and Failed Raffles: My Time at the 2024 DeafNation Expo (AA)
- Yellow Brick Roads in Japan (KO)
- The Casting of Bryan Cranston in "The Upside" and the Broader Debate on Representation (PA)
- Football Just Got a Lot Cooler: The Deaf Community's Contributions to American Football (AA)
- Cross Contamination and Deathly Consequences (HL)
- The DCP's 13 Favorite 2020 Tokyo Paralympic Moments (HC)
- Amusement Parks and Accessibility (SS)
- Disabled and Rejected From a Job? Maybe Artificial Intelligence is to Blame! (AL)
- Barbie and Able-Bodiedness (SS)
- Why Are You Sorry That My Parents Are Deaf?: Insight From a CODA (Child of Deaf Adults) (AA)
- Accessible Knitting and Crocheting (JN)
- #FreeBritney and Disability Rights (BH)
- "That's so autistic" is so, uh Insensitive (MT)
- Is COVID-19 a "Mass-Disabling Event"? (AG)
- Universality Mentality: Mind Your Positionality (EG)
- Porn of the Inspirational Variety (BH)
- Villainizing Disabilities (MK)
- Learning Disabilities at College (GS)
- ADA: Past, Present, and Future (RM)
- Toeing the Line of Disability (AC)
- The Rise of Remote Learning: COVID-19 (JD)
- Experience the World Through All the Senses (JB)
- Is She The A**hole?
- Crip Camp: Catalyst for Change (AC)
- TikTok Cyberbullying: Attacks Against the Autism Community (FW)
- Special Olympics vs. Paralympics (BH)
- How the World Turned Upside Down: Living through COVID-19 as an Immune-Compromised Person (SSA)
- A Lesson Learned (DN)
- Burden vs. Entitlement: A Disabled Person's Internal Battle (CL)
- Getting Back in the Game: Enabling Gamers (MT)
- Competition vs. Compassion: The Survival of Disabled People in America (BH)
- Disability in the Age of Social Media (AV)
- Relevance and Importance of Captions (FW)
- Flying Blind (MB)
- Too Disabled But Not Disabled Enough (CL)
- The Double-Edged Sword: What Social Interactions are Like for Someone with Asperger’s (MT)
- Disability Tips from a Once Ignorant Able-Bodied Person (BH)
- Blind Dating (MB)
- Partying Blind (MB)
- My First Disability Awareness Week (CL)
- Not Differently Abled (MB)
- Being Blind: FAQs (MB)
- Dog vs. Cane (MB)
- More Disabled Role Models, Please! (CL)
- Not All Pizzas are Created Equal (MB & DN)
- Having a Disability Doesn't Always Suck (MB)
- Let Your Kids Point (CL)
- Blind, Not Basic (MB)
We hope you'll enjoy reading!