Back Row (L to R): Sean Esenwugo, Omar Newland, George Shenusay, Mauricio Baker-Mason, Tanner Coe, Dr. Eleazar Eskin, Unnamed Student, Unnamed Student, Natalie Gibson, Wilbert Francis
2nd Row From Back (L to R): Dr. Nickey Woods, Pamela Gordon, Isita Tripathi, Quinn O'Connor, Amanda Nguyen, Unnamed
2nd Row From Front (L to R): Sharon Teruya, Brooke Wilkinson, Brandie Kirkpatrick, Travis Lee, Sal Santa Ana
Front Row (all seated, L to R): Laura Sencion-Mendoza, Kat Kath, Carolanne Link, Michael Garafola
Photography Credit: Tiffany J Photography
The UCLA Committee on Disability (UCOD) is excited to present UCLA Disability Pride Week (DPW) 2023! We hope to celebrate disability pride through an awesome assortment of in-person and virtual events. We are so thankful that many UCLA departments and programs have donated money and time to this fantastic endeavor!
Disability Pride Week (DPW) At-A-Glance
DPW Launch Party! |
Monday, Oct 9 |
12:00-1:30pm |
Bruin Plaza |
UCOD Open Meeting |
Tuesday, Oct 10 |
2:00-3:30pm |
Zoom (Details Below) |
Wheelchair Basketball |
Tuesday, Oct 10 |
4:00-7:30pm |
Wooden Center, Collins Court #1 (Registration Below) |
Accessible Social Media Training |
Wednesday, Oct 11 |
10:00-11:00am |
Zoom (Details Below) |
Disability Studies Info Session |
Thursday, Oct 12 |
2:00-3:00pm |
Zoom (Details Below) |
Disability Culture and Etiquette |
Thursday, Oct 12 |
10:00-11:30am |
Zoom (Details Below) |
Strategies for Disability Inclusion and Accommodation Support |
Thursday, Oct 12 |
12:00-1:00pm |
Zoom (Details Below) |
Pop-Up Disability-Themed Book Displays |
Powell & Music Libraries |
DPW Event Details
Monday Events
Disability Pride Week Launch (Info Fair, Job Recruitment & Party)
Date: Monday, October 9
Time: 12-1:30pm
Where: Bruin Plaza
Sponsoring Department: UCOD
Contact: Travis Lee, tlee@oarc.ucla.edu
Come by Bruin Plaza for free food, campus resource fair, career booths, live music, opening remarks from Disability Studies, Chair Vic Marks, and more!
Tuesday Events
UCLA Committee on Disability (UCOD) Open Meeting
Date: Tuesday, October 10
Time: 2-3:30pm
Where: Zoom, Travis Lee's Zoom Room
Sponsoring Department: UCOD
Contact: Travis Lee, tlee@oarc.ucla.edu
The UCLA Committee on Disability (UCOD) is a elected committee of faculty, staff, students and alumni to advise the UCLA community around disability-related issues. Drop by our open October meeting to discuss issues, suggest improvements and celebrate community and accomplishments.
Wheelchair Basketball
Date: Tuesday, October 10
Time: 4-7:30pm
Where: Wooden Center, Collins Court #1
Registration: Wheelchair Basketball Registration Link
Sponsoring Department: Adaptive Recreation
Contact: Michael Garafola, mgarafola@recreation.ucla.edu
Open to individuals with and without disabilities. Sport wheelchairs and instruction provided. All skill levels welcome.
Wednesday Events
Accessible Social Media Training
Date: Wednesday, October 11
Time: 10-11am
Where: Zoom, Dr. Caitlin Solone's Zoom Room
Sponsoring Department: Disability Studies
Contact: Caitlin Solone, csolone@college.ucla.edu
Learn best practices for making accessible social media content!
Thursday Events
Disability Culture and Etiquette
Date: Thursday, October 12
Time: 10-11:30am
Where: Travis Lee's Zoom Room
Sponsoring Department: Disabilities and Computing Program (DCP)
Contact: Carolanne Link, clink@oarc.ucla.edu
The world of disabilities often seems scary and unrelatable to the average person but let me reassure you that it is not. At this session you will learn some about the culture of disability and the etiquette of working with and welcoming people with disabilities into your life.
Strategies for Disability Inclusion and Accommodation Support
Date: Thursday, October 12
Time: 12-1pm
Where: Zoom, CAE Disability Inclusion and Accommodation Support Registration Link
Sponsoring Department: Center for Accessible Education (CAE)
Contact: Spencer Scruggs, sscruggs@saonet.ucla.edu
Join CAE during your lunch hour to discuss strategies for infusing disability inclusion into your courses, learn about the benefits of adopting universal design and disability inclusion strategies, and programs and get your questions answered about how to best implement specific accommodations.
Disability Studies Info Session
Date: Wednesday, October 11
Time: 2-3pm
Where: Zoom, Disability Studies Info Session Registration
Sponsoring Department: Disability Studies
Contact: Myrna Dee Castillo Kikuchi, mkikuchi@college.ucla.edu
Attend a virtual info session about the Disability Studies minor and BRAND-NEW MAJOR!
All Week Events
Library Pop-Up Disability Themed Book Displays
Time: Library Operating Hours
Where: Powell Library & Music Library
Sponsoring Department: UCLA Library
Contact: Sylvia Page, spage@library.ucla.edu
Check out amazing disability themed books and books written by disabled authors!